Students Promotion

Work hard in silence. Let success makes noise.

Promotion and Detention

  • Promotion is decided on the basis of the cumulative performance of the student in all tests and examinations conducted in the session.
  • The pass mark is 40% in all subjects.
  • To be promoted at the end of the academic year, a student should pass in all subjects in the final examination and also on the average obtained by him/her throughout the academic year. Attendance of the student will also be considered for promotion.
  • Pass in English is mandatory for promotion.
  • Students absent for any examination for any reason will not be reexamined.
  • A student may be detained if he/she secures a fail mark in two or more subjects.
  • If the student fails to secure a promotion for the second time in a given class, it would be mandatory on the part of the parent to withdraw the child from school.
  • Parent teacher meetings will be organized twice a year (at the end of quarterly and Half yearly examinations) and it would be the responsibility of the parents to attend the same.
Promotion and Detention, Green Valley Public (CBSE) school